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FES Organic Flourish Formula (Flower Essence & Essential Oil) Mind-Full Spray 30ml

FES Organic Flourish Formula (Flower Essence & Essential Oil) Mind-Full Spray 30ml

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Flourish: To thrive and prosper; to achieve success and fare well; to express with artistry and flare; to reach higher development and excellence. Latin: florire, flor (flower)

Flower essence therapy, founded by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, is based on the profound understanding of the vibrational healing properties of flowers. All cultures throughout the world cherish a soul language of flowers for expressing deeper forms of healing and sacred awareness. Flowers impart vibrational energy patterns of vibrant life force, expressive form, ethereal colour and beauty. They help the human soul to flourish by developing this same flowering capacity.

True to their name, the Flourish line of FES flower essence formulas is designed to achieve the highest potential of body-soul wellness. The Flourish line is the result of many years of research, involving plant studies, case reports submitted by practitioners around the world, clinical interviews, and extensive use in natural disaster relief. Most formulas, or their key components, have been used for more than a decade. Many formulas have been revised or re-named as research has developed.

Imparting a vibrant state of mental coherence and clarity

  • A foundational remedy for any professional lifestyle that demands high level sustained mental focus and intellectual clarity ‐ such as research, writing, teaching, office management, or public speaking
  • For students who are facing major exams or needing to bring intellectual focus to difficult subject matter
  • For general dullness and mental lethargy, especially during the daytime; or when sleeping and eating rhythms distort or disrupt mental clarity
  • As a supplementary aid for those with a history of learning disorders or mental confusion; along with other appropriate therapies
  • During any major project requiring extra forces of mental concentration and clarity

Peppermint – Invigoration of mental activity; overcoming mental lethargy due to unbalanced metabolism and digestion
Lemon – Clarifying and purifying; counteracts mental fatigue with refreshing and purifying qualities
Morning Glory – Provides awakening forces; builds deeper rhythms for beneficial waking and sleeping, especially to counteract daytime sluggishness
Nasturtium – Helps redirect and balance vital energy, especially when depletion results from over-use of intellectual forces
Cosmos – Promotes higher mental function; greater access to the archetypal realm of ideas and their translation into speaking and thinking
Shasta Daisy – Ability to bring synergistic insight to thinking; integration of pieces of intellectual information into over-arching concepts
Rabbitbrush – Flexible and mobile mental consciousness; capacity to track simultaneous details and hold them within an encompassing field of awareness
Madia – Focusing capacity; ability to bring sustained mental concentration to tasks and projects; counteracts tendency toward diffuse or distracted mental behaviour
Essential oils: Lemon, Peppermint, Grapefruit
Direction for Use:

The FES Flourish Formulas™ are conveniently packaged with spray tops, ready for direct application. The standard oral dosage is one or two sprays in the mouth, four times daily in-between meals or before eating. For emergency or intense healing episodes, dose more frequently until the condition has stabilized.

The two most important times for application are when the body-soul matrix is shifting between wake and sleep: upon awakening, and just before sleeping.

Application Note: Mind-Full is best sprayed on the tongue and misted around the head with eyes closed. It can be taken as often as needed, typically 3-4 times during the period of most mental activity.
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