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Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Blessed Birthing 30ml

Heart Radiance (Australian Wild Flower Essences) Blessed Birthing 30ml

Regular price $21.00
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This blend supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe and natural birth. Assists the parents in entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting and a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. Eases fear around birth for both parents. Brings flexibility to the birth process

  • Fear of birthing, lacking confidence in your body to give birth
  • Family patterns for poor birthing outcomes
  • Fears of undue interference in birthing plans
  • Hearing negative stories around birthing.

Healing Outcomes:
  • Supports you feeling confident in your body’s ability to birth safely and naturally.
  • Helps parents enter into the birthing process as a sacred journey.
  • Assists in adapting the birth plan with ease, if required.

Ingredients: Purified water, Brandy, Vibrational Flower Essences.

HeartRadiance Essences: Acacia, Apostle Plant, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Sensitive Plant, Storm Lily & Wild Iris.
Direction for Use:

Place seven (7) drops of Dose Essence directly under the tongue, twice a day or as required.
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