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Women Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle by R Trickey

Women Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle by R Trickey

Regular price $150.00
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Women, Hormones & the Menstrual Cycle is the definitive guide to natural medicine and women's health, focusing on health complaints from adolescence through to menopause and beyond. Ruth Trickey, with practitioners from the Melbourne Holistic Health Group and other contributors, provide comprehensive information and treatment protocols based on years of research and clinical experience. This book is essential reading for professional health care providers and health science students, as well as individuals interested in a more thorough understanding of the health concerns affecting women. This edition has been fully revised, providing up-to-date research on current evidence based natural medicine. A range of gynaecological complaints are discussed including pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), amenorrhoea and menopausal symptoms. Unique to Women, Hormones & the Menstrual Cycle is the focus on a collaborative model of health care, where naturopathic treatments for specific conditions are presented alongside more conventional medical approaches.
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